IA-CG.COM - Indian Association for Crystal Growth - Welcome

Indian Association for Crystal Growth

     The Indian Association for Crystal Growth (IACG) was founded in the year of 1982 to promote communication among professors, scientists and engineers working in the field of crystal growth. Total number of members of IACG is now about 750 which includes research fields of theoretical, bulk crystal growth, biological crystallization, industrial crystallization, characterization, advance technology, new materials, nanocrystalline materials, surface and interface, thin film, epitaxial growth, etc. All the young members of IACG are encouraged to participate and discuss with leading scientists, professors and technologists at every annual meet of National Seminar on Crystal Growth and Applications (NSCGA) which is one of the main activities of IACG. One of the main objectives of the IACG is to contribute to energy, environment, biomedical and security of human life through technological development of crystal growth. The IACG is now encouraging the research and development on crystal growth based on current trends of science and technology. Proposals and ideas are always welcome to richen the activities of IACG.

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